(W) Soo Lee (A) Soo Lee (CA) Jae Lee
Queen Maleficent rules the Forbidden Woods, a mysterious land shrouded in darkness, evil, and all things that go bump in the night. Countless kings have come from far and wide to try and vanquish this realm where the Forbidden Mountain stands, making an enemy of its dark queen. But Maleficent is not the unloving monster some would make her out to be. In fact, she cherishes her kingdom and embraces her responsibilities to it. But instead of being given the chance to coexist, she and her shadowy domain have been misunderstood and shunned, and outsiders would see the Forbidden Woods conquered and her reign overthrown. Maleficent grows all the more powerful defeating those who dare to challenge her and her minions.
Featuring cover art by the renowned JAE LEE, this new collection of the five-issue series by acclaimed author and artist SOO LEE features five standalone tales of Maleficent facing the trials and tribulations of her unique
position, and is being offered in three special editions at an eye-catching new trim size of six by nine inches!
In Shops: May 01, 2024
SRP: $19.99