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The Force Awakens in The Skywalker Saga: Our ongoing journey through the Star Wars movies continues! Han Solo - A Matter of Life and Death: from Corellia to Starkiller Base, we trace the life of the reluctant good guy. False Economies of Scale: Why do the Empire and First Order keep on building big bad weapons? Bar Wars: A tour of galactic watering holes filled with scum and villainy. Plus all the latest Star Wars news, interviews, books, and merchandise.
In Shops: Sep 18, 2019
SRP: $7.99
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Jump into New Comics on November 6th - Start Here Jump into New Comics on November 6th - Start Here

Your guide to the latest comics releases on November 6th. Discover the best new comics that are beginner-friendly and easy to jump into with our must-read recommendations for this week.

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