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Attitude and Action In All-New Power Rangers Comic

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by Vince Brusio

Imagine watching a show when you’re a kid (on the floor, head in your hands, legs up and kicking behind you), and someone walks out from a time portal, sits next to you, and says you’re going to write in a comic book what you’re watching on TV. Something you’d see in a movie, right? Well, the person walking out of the time portal, yeah. That’s the movies. But Kyle Higgins getting to write about a TV show he used to watch as a kid? That actually happened. And you’re going to find out just how much he loved that TV show when BOOM! unveils his imagination at play in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0 (NOV151136) that's in comic shops January 13!


Article Image 183cPREVIEWSworld: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! Just as much a surprise as Johnny Depp visiting a children’s hospital dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow. The Rangers! And we’re starting with a zero issue. So let’s start from the beginning. How were you able to get on board with this project?

Kyle Higgins: Well, I’m not sure the book holds much of a candle to J-Depp in costume at a children’s hospital, but yeah. I was as surprised as anyone when BOOM! announced back in July that they were going to be publishing a new series. I reached out to [Managing Editor] Bryce Carlson, who I’ve known for years, and asked who I had to kill to submit a pitch. I was a big Power Rangers fan as a kid, and I really love the types of books BOOM! has built their name on in recent years. The whole situation felt like it could be a really nice fit. Luckily, [editors] Dafna [Pleban] and Alex [Galer] and the powers-that-be at Saban agreed, and greenlit my pitch.

PREVIEWSworld: It’s not much of a stretch to tout that they’re cultural icons, so it’s a big order to fill doing a comic book about the Power Rangers. You want to get it right. So what’s the goal for the zero issue? How does it set the stage for the Rangers having a home at BOOM!

Article Image 1d5aKyle Higgins: The zero issue is—hopefully—going to accomplish a lot. For new readers, it’ll establish who the Rangers are and the types of threats they’ll be going up against. For old fans, it’ll establish when in the timeline of MMPR our series begins (after Green With Evil) and also tease one of the main stories of the coming year. Beyond that, the zero issue is an introduction to my writing and take on the Rangers, as well as Hendry Prasetya’s art. So, it’s kind of a warm-up for fans and creators alike.

PREVIEWSworld: Describe the process you went through, Kyle, to “get your head together” in writing this book. Where did you start? What put you in the mood? How long did it take to finish the script after having it sent to the editors? Were there tweaks?

Article Image 00c4Kyle Higgins: The process is pretty streamlined for me these days, on any project. I take some time and think about the concept, the world, the characters, and start jotting down little questions and thoughts about what interests me. From there, I tend to find the emotional real estate I’m most interested in exploring, and start building my plots and arcs to best explore it. As far as what “put me in the mood,” that’s easy: Deadlines. [Laughs] Once I’m writing pages, I’m pretty fast. I probably knocked the whole thing out in a day and a half.

PREVIEWSworld: If you could be a Ranger, which one would you be, and why?

Kyle Higgins: Jason was my favorite, growing up. His personality and the responsibility he had as the leader of the team was really empowering for me. I think I’d probably still say him.

PREVIEWSworld: Last question: In your opinion, what gives the Power Rangers their staying power? Why have the Rangers stood the test of time? And how will you be bringing that magnetism to the comic book?

Kyle Higgins: I think MMPR provided incredible wish fulfillment — ordinary teenagers made extraordinary, fighting for good and rocking out bad-ass mechas — while also highlighting the importance of friendship, teamwork, and acceptance. Which is what I’ve kept in mind while working on the series.

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