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Product Changes (03/10)


The page count for Batman Eternal #52 (JAN150304), solicited as 32 pages at $2.99, has increased to 48 pages at $3.99. Additionally, the final creative line-up will include writers Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Ray Fawkes, Kyle Higgins & Tim Seeley and artists Eduardo Pansica, Robson Rocha, David Lafuente, Tim Seeley and Ray Fawkes, with a cover by Jae Lee. 

Convergence #0 1:25 Cooke Variant Edition (JAN150220, $4.99) now features a cover by Tony Daniel.

The Multiversity Director’s Cut #1 (DEC140262, $9.99) now will reprint a different issue of the acclaimed series, and will arrive in stores as The Multiversity: Pax Americana Director’s Cut #1. This issue is written by Grant Morrison, with art and cover by Frank Quitely, spotlights Quitely’s pencil artwork, and the Multiverse poster designed by Rian Hughes from Grant Morrison’s notes! Also included are preliminary character designs by Morrison and Quitely, and more.


• The artists for Covers B
(DEC140622, $3.50) and C (DEC140623, $3.50) of The Surface #1 have been switched. Cover B will now be by Michael Walsh & Jordie Bellaire, while Cover C will be by MarcoRudy.


All New Hawkeye #2 Variant (FEB150791, $3.99) will have cover art by Kevin Wada.

George Romero’s: Empire of the Dead: Act Three #1 Variant (FEB150778, $3.99) will have cover art by Phil Noto.

Spider-Gwen #3 WTDVariant (FEB150732, $3.99) and Variant (FEB150733, $3.99) will have cover art by Sergio Aragonés and Yasmine Putri, respectively.

Spider-Verse HC (FEB150845, $75) will be 648 pages, not 624, and now contains The Amazing Spider-Man #7-#15, The Superior Spider-Man #32-#33, Free Comic Book Day 2014 (Guardians of the Galaxy) #1 (with a five-page Spider-Man story), Spider-Verse #1-#2, Spider-Verse Team-Up #1-#3, Scarlet Spiders #1-#3, Spider-Woman #1-#4, Spider-Man 2099 #5-#8.

Uncanny Inhumans #0 Inhuman 50th Anniversary Variant (FEB150668, $4.99) will have cover art by Jerome Opeña.

Deadpool #45 (250th Issue) (Reg./Vars.: FEB150830 / FEB150831 / FEB150832 / FEB150833 / FEB150834, $9.99 ea.) will have interior art by Mirko Colak in addition to others. Additionally, the issue’s Death of DeadpoolVariant (FEB150832, $9.99) will have cover art by Tony Moore, and will be retitledDeadpool #45 (250th Issue) Moore Death of DeadpoolVariant.

Avengers #44 TRO & Variant (Reg./Vars.: FEB150705 / FEB150706 / FEB150707 / FEB150708, $4.99 ea.) will have interior art by Kev Walker and Stefano Caselli, not Mike Deodato.

Captain America and Mighty Avengers #7 (FEB150815, $3.99) will have interior art by Iban Soria, not Luke Ross.

The Legendary Star Lord #11 WTDVariantBV (FEB150740, $3.99) will have cover art by James Stokoe.

The Superior Iron Man #7 (Reg./Var.: FEB150800 / FEB150801, $3.99) will have interior art by Yildray Cinar and an artist to be announced, not Laura Braga.

Wolverines #14 (FEB150827, $3.99) will have interior art by Salvador Larroca, not Kris Anka.

Men of Wrath TP (MR) (JAN150882, $14.99) will be 136 pages, not 112 pages.


• Humanoids’ Redhand: Twilight of the Gods Deluxe HC (MR) (MAR151400, $34.95), solicited at 152 pages, is now 144 pages. The book also has a new cover, shown here.

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