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Stealing the Supernatural in Image's Ghosted

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We all know that criminals steal stuff and ghosts are scary, but what happens when a criminal has been asked to steal a ghost? We'll let Joshua Williamson answer that question in his upcoming crime/horror mashup Ghosted#1 (MAY130405), available on July 10th from Image Comics.

PREVIEWSworld talked with Joshua about his spooky Gem of the Month!


Ghosted is being billed as Ocean's Eleven set inside a haunted house. Give us an overview of your crime/horror series?

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Joshua Williamson: Ghosted is an edgy series that goes on a twisted ride to some dark places.  

Our main character, Jackson T. Winters, is serving a life sentence after a big time score went sour, but is broken out of jail by a rich collector who has a sick obsession with the supernatural. Winters is charged with putting together a team of paranormal experts, breaking into a haunted house and stealing a ghost. The team he puts together are the best of the best. The skeptic, the thief, the psychic, the ghost hunters and the muscle. All with their own set of skills and experiences with things that go bump in the night.

PREVIEWSworld: Tell us more about Jackson T. Winters. Has he ever tried to steal a ghost before?

Joshua Williamson: Nope. And for Jackson it’s a hard gig because he isn’t even sure if he believes in ghosts. But he really doesn’t have a choice.

Winters was always a more traditional thief. A master planner of larger than life heists. But on his last gig to steal a huge take from a casino he did encounter some… supernatural elements that left Winters a bit… haunted.

I’ve always loved writing the more tortured characters that are a bit of a jerk. Trust me when I say… Jackson T. Winters is not a good guy.

PREVIEWSworld: Who stands out most on the paranormal team Jackson assembles?

Joshua Williamson: They each have their own unique way that separates them all. In a lot of ways I enjoyed writing Oliver King, because he is the skeptic of the bunch. The one that thinks it’s all a waste of time. To him, there is no such thing as ghosts. But he trusts Jackson and is there for the money. For him… this is a rough journey.

PREVIEWSworld: Crime comics and horror comics are really popular now. Why do you think there is such a resurgence?

Joshua Williamson: People are looking for something different. And because creators love to make them. It’s very much a situation where I think people can only get so much leverage out of super hero books and sometimes want something a bit darker… a bit more adult and grounded. For years crime and horror has worked really well in the comic’s medium. I think outside of superheroes it's the strongest audience. People want a bit of the darkness in their lives every now and again.

And they go really well together.

PREVIEWSworld: Finally, talk about working with artists Goran Sudzuka and Miroslav Mrva on Ghosted?

Joshua Williamson: From the very beginning Goran has been amazing. For the last few years I’ve been very lucky to work with artists who were on the same page as me with the books I’ve worked on. But with Goran from day one we both knew exactly what kind of book we wanted this to be. I’ve been a fan of Goran’s since Outlaw Nation and then his Y The Last Man issues. We met at New York Comic-Con in 2011 and stood outside the convention center and just chatted about the kind of books we both loved and wanted to do. Ghosted just happened to exactly what we wanted.

As soon as I started getting pages, I knew that Goran got it. And then once Miroslav came on… it just got better.

Hopefully people dig what Goran and I have done and enjoy our gritty little tale of crime and horror.

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