Product Changes (12/11)
Dec 11, 2012
• Django Unchained, solicited as running five issues, will now run six issues.
• The price of the Superman vs. Zod TP (DEC120339) has changed from $12.99 to $9.99.
• The Variant Covers for Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan have switched. Issue #3 will now feature a 1:25 Variant Cover by Neal Adams (SEP120135, $3.99), while issue #4 will now feature a 1:25 VariantCover by Bill Sienkiewicz (DEC120163, $3.99).
• The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger – Sheemie’s Tale #1 (NOV120733, $3.99) & #2 (DEC120698, $3.99) will each run 32 pages, not 40 pages.
• Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis Premiere HC Vol. 5 (NOV120765, $29.99) will be 176 pages, not 152 pages.
• Captain America: The Death of Captain America Ultimate Collection TP (NOV120786, $39.99) will be 560 pages, not 576 pages.
• Venom #30 (NOV120707, $2.99) and #31 (DEC120679, $2.99) will swap covers, with the Paulo Siqueira piece solicited for #30 on #31, and the Shane Davis piece solicited for #31 will now be on #30. The covers are shown here.
#30 | #31 |
• Uncanny X-Force #2 NOW (DEC120677, $3.99) will have a regular cover by Kris Anka, not Olivier Coipel, shown here. Additionally, the issue’s Anka Variant (DEC120678, $3.99) will now have a cover by Ed McGuinness and has been retitled Uncanny X-Force #2 McGuinness Variant NOW.
• The Star Trek Pizza Cutter (JUN111969) – solicited as being available only in the U.S., Canada, and U.S. territories – is now available for sale worldwide.