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Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Marvel Studios revisits its all-American superhero with the story of World War II-era Steve Rogers - a.k.a. Captain America (Chris Evans) - acclimating to the 21st century as he battles against the threat of a Mysterious Soviet agent known as "The Winter Soldier." Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, the sequel features hundreds of spectacular visual effects delivered by Industrial Light & Magic, Luma Pictures and Scanline VFX, with practical, on-set contributions by Legacy Effects, Quantum Creation FX and special effects supervisor Daniel Sudick. Other films examined in this issue include: Disney's Maleficent (starring Angelina Jolie), The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and Gareth Edward's Godzilla.
In Shops: Jul 02, 2014
SRP: $12.50
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