2000 AD PACK MAY 2016
2000 AD PACK MAY 2016
Blazing SF action from the Eisner-nominated UK anthology! In Judge Dredd: "The Lion's Den" by Michael Carroll and PJ Holden, the conspiracy tightens on Judge Joyce as he goes on the run in Brit-Cit, and the power struggle continues in Mega-City One. Elsewhere, the Survival Geeks have a cuckoo in the midst in "Lord of the Ringers" by Gordon Rennie, Emma Beeby and Neil Googe; the investigation continues in the darkest of deep space in "Brink" by Dan Abnett and INJ Culbard; a planet succumbs to the Dark Judges in "Tainted: The Fall of Deadworld" by Kek-W and Dave Kendall; and the third book of the Brutania Chronicles begins in Slaine: "Psychopomp" by Pat Mills and Simon Davis, as the Celtic warrior fights to free himself from the clutches of the evil Drune Lords!