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Red Hot Return of Renegade Assassin Elektra

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by Vince Brusio

When the iron is hot, strike it. That’s how you forge the ultimate weapon, and shape it into a destructive force that smites your enemies where they stand. In that same vein of logic is to build upon an army that is found to be unstoppable. Why stop with taking a city when you can dominate the whole continent? In the case of momentum behind Daredevil, if the fans are screaming for more, then you give ‘em more, more, more! Bring on those faces that they love to see. Especially those that are beautiful and deadly. Like Elektra. And writer Matt Owens would agree. Matt Owens is a name you’ll be hearing for quite a while as he’s been tapped to build on the energy of Daredevil, and give comics fans Elektra #1 (DEC160870), which is going to be sharper than a Sai blade stuck in the side or your rib cage.

Elektra #1 (DEC160870) is in comic shops February 22.


Vince Brusio: Why is a new Elektra series being released from Marvel next February? Is it due to the character’s higher profile now that Daredevil is a hit show on Netflix?

Matt Owens: There are big plans for Hell’s Kitchen coming up. It made sense to launch solo series from some of the bigger players in the Daredevil corner of the universe. The popularity of the Netflix show probably plays a role in that. We’re trying to give everyone more of what they love in fun and different ways!

Vince Brusio: Is the new series a “jumping-on” point for new readers to discover the character? Or will past continuity come into play as new story arcs are unveiled?

Matt Owens: It’s a great jumping-on point!  A lot of titles are doing that now. That was part of the conception of this run. Are there going to be certain character relationships and moments that you will understand better if you know the character? Of course! But it’s not alienating in any way. We’re always trying to walk the line of accessible for newcomers and rewarding for long time fans. 

Vince Brusio: Describe for us the mood of this book. The tone. The atmosphere. The opening sequence of events takes place in Las Vegas. Do we find Elektra trying her hand at the blackjack table? What can we expect to see?

Matt Owens: The tone, like Las Vegas itself, is big and flashy. It’s a different beast than New York. How does a silent killer, stoic assassin, blend in with that atmosphere? That’s part of the fun of it. Putting Elektra in places and situations she hasn’t found herself in before. And for the most part, does not want to find herself in.

Vince Brusio: How will this version of Elektra be different/similar from previous incarnations of the character?

Matt Owens: Elektra is, above all else, a badass. That part of her will never change. When you find her in this story she is trying to isolate herself from the world amidst the noise of Vegas. She’s put New York and all its trappings behind her. But the thing she will never be able to escape, no matter how hard she may try, is the call to being a hero.

Vince Brusio: If you could give us a snapshot, a glimpse of an event that you think would work as the perfect movie trailer for this book, what would we see?

Matt Owens: Elektra fighting thugs in a nightclub bathed in multi-colored lights. Very John Wick. Hopefully that’s all I need to say.

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Vince Brusio writes about comics, and writes comics. He is the long-serving Editor of, the creator of PUSSYCATS, and encourages everyone to keep the faith...and keep reading comics.

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